Back to the Future with Dr. Michael Bennett – In the Shade of the Stoa: Theater in the Classical World with Bill Zewadski
Back to the Future with Dr. Michael Bennett is a yearlong series of lectures, gallery spotlights and intimate garden conversations centered on the MFA’s distinguished collection of antiquities. Ancient art has no expiration date; it abounds with lessons that remain relevant today.
These discussions and lectures provide museum members and the public alike with the opportunity to become familiar with ancient Mediterranean art, upcoming exhibitions, topical subjects in the field, and to gain a deeper appreciation for ancient works in the musuem’s collection. Please visit us for one (or all) of these fascinating presentations by our noted antiquities scholar, Dr. Michael Bennett.
For this lecture, Theater in the Classical World, Dr. Michael Bennett and collector Bill Zewadski will hold a lively, intimate discussion centered on themes and pieces in our current exhibition, Ancient Theater and the Cinema.
Free with Admission
Image credit: The Aphrodite Painter, Paestan, South Italy, Red-Figure Krater, c. 340—330 B.C., Ceramic, On loan from the William Knight Zewadski Collection