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[SOLD OUT] Coffee Talks with Nan Colton: Mary Cassatt – A Woman Impressionist

Mary Cassatt, one of the “les trois grandes dames” (the three great ladies) of Impressionism alongside Marie Bracquemond and Berthe Morisot, often depicted the 19th century’s “New Woman” in her paintings, and led a social life consistent with such portraits – lending works to exhibitions in support of the suffrage movement and advocating for women’s equality. Join us as we learn more about this fascinating artist and supporter of social causes. In this presentation, she recounts her close and tumultuous friendship with Edgar Degas.

This performance will take place live in the Marly room at the MFA. To ensure the health and safety of our visitors and staff, face masks are required while inside the museum at all times and refreshments will not be served. Capacity for this event will be limited and advanced registration is required.


FREE for MFA members; Not-yet members are $20 for adults and $15 for seniors. 

Please note: Due to the uncertainties related to COVID-19, this event is subject to change.

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The Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg is a nonprofit organization that fosters a vibrant community through education, engagement, and public service. Your participation in this event helps to support the museum, our exhibitions, and programs. Here are a few ways you can support the MFA today:

Event Details

February 9, 2022

10–11 am

Event Categories

Marly Room: Museum of Fine Arts

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