The Story of Art | Fixing An Image: Photography
*Rescheduled – Please Note New Date: Thursday, May 4 at 6 pm*
The Story of Art series focuses on the story of art history, one that is continually being retold as we discover new things and look afresh at the familiar. Join MFA curators on a journey to learn more about our collection, contextualized with other objects from around the world, as we take a grand tour through the story of art.
Fixing An Image: Photography is presented by Senior Curator of Photography Dr. Jane Aspinwall. Her presentation will focus on the radical art of the daguerreotype, exploring how works from the 20th and 21st centuries have precedents in the 1840s and 1850s. Many of the possibilities of photography were explored in some way in this early period.
Senior Curator of Photography Dr. Jane Aspinwall’s curatorial experience is comprehensive and diverse, with achievements such as major publications that have added new scholarship to the field; a wide variety of significant traveling exhibitions; and years of experience in working with donors and collectors to build a world-class collection. In addition, she has always been at the forefront of innovations in collection accessibility and care. Aspinwall is a renowned expert in 19th-century photography. She recently curated the dynamic exhibition Women’s Work: A Survey of Female Photographers (2022) at the MFA. Aspinwall holds a PhD and MA in the History of Art and Humanities (University of Missouri-Kansas City) and an MBA in Arts Management (University of Missouri-Columbia).
$10 for MFA Members; $20 for Not-Yet Members
Registration Required