Frequently Asked Questions
If your question is not addressed below, please contact the Development Office at (727) 896-2667 ext. 211 for further information.
What is the MFA Annual Fund?
The MFA Annual Fund is the Museum’s primary fund for general operating support. A gift to the MFA Fund supports vital programming at the heart of our mission and makes the Museum accessible to all our visitors. Anyone may contribute, and gifts of all sizes are accepted—and encouraged!
Is my MFA Annual Fund gift tax-deductible?
Yes. Donations to the MFA Fund are fully tax-deductible as 501(c)3 charitable contributions. No goods, services, or membership benefits are provided in exchange outright gifts. The Museum will provide written acknowledgement of your gift for your tax records.
Do I need to support the MFA Annual Fund if I have a membership?
Yes! Membership dues account for approximately 8% of the total operating revenue, and the Museum relies on contributions for over half of the operating revenue. Every gift is vital!
How are MFA Fund gifts used?
MFA Fund donations support our annual operating budget. The entire Museum from curators to facilities staff use operating funds to carry out the complex steps of protecting and displaying the art, as well as maintaining the galleries, libraries, classrooms, gardens, and other public spaces. From supplying art materials for free children’s programs to providing lighting and climate control in the galleries, support for the MFA Fund benefits all essential operations.
May I designate my MFA Fund gift for a particular use?
MFA Fund contributions provide essential unrestricted support for the Museum’s operations. This lets the MFA put your gift to work directly where it is most needed.
May I make an MFA Fund gift in honor or memory of a loved one?
Yes. You may make your gift in memory or in honor of a loved one. A notice will be sent to the individual or designated family member whose name and address you provide. The amount of your gift will not be mentioned in the notification.
What is the period of time to make a gift?
The MFA’s fiscal year begins July 1 and ends June 30 each year. Pledges may be made early in the year, but all MFA Fund pledges need to be paid by June 30 to be counted within the year. All gifts are 100% tax deductible.