Ways to Give
Your generosity enables the MFA to share art’s capacity to create connections, foster curiosity, and enrich lives. We are grateful to our members and donors for supporting our exhibitions, collection, public programs, and outreach, and helping connect our community through art.
Online GIFTS
Donations to the MFA are fully tax-deductible and can be made securely online. A letter of acknowledgment will be mailed or emailed to the address you provide, for your tax records.
GIFTS by Telephone
Our team is available to assist you by calling (727) 896-2667 ext. 211 during business hours.
Mail your contribution
Checks made payable to the Museum of Fine Arts may be sent to:
Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg
255 Beach Drive NE
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Attn: Development Office
Gifts of Appreciated Stock
For information about transferring gifts of securities, please call the Director of Development (727) 896-2667 Ext 211.
Memorials and Tributes
Gifts in honor or in memory of loved ones are special tributes that recognize an important person or event in your life while supporting the MFA. Individuals honored are recognized in our Annual Report each year and special notification of your gift is sent to the individual or the family of those who are being remembered. For more information, contact the Development Office at 727-896-2667 ext 211.
Recurring Gifts
Recurring gifts offer you the convenience of giving monthly, and you have the option to change or cancel your recurring gift at any time. Donors who make recurring gifts are recognized in the MFA’s Annual Report. Please contact the Development Office at 727-896-2667 ext 211 to discuss.
Gifts of Art
Donated works of art and funds to purchase art enrich the permanent collection and ensure the works will be cared for and appreciated by a wide audience. If you are considering donating a work of art to the MFA, please see our FAQs (#3).
We are proud to have achieved the Platinum Seal of Transparency with Guide Star, the world’s largest source of information on non-profit organizations. This rating puts the Museum of Fine Arts in the top 0.1% of charities nationally in terms of transparency, indicating that the MFA shares clear and important information with the public about our goals, strategies, capabilities, achievements and progress indicators that highlight the difference the Museum makes in our community and our world.