Generic Art Solutions


Caesar and Caligula


Dual-channel video

Museum purchase with funds donated by Sheila Tempelmann, Sun Trust, Power2Give-Arts Council, Hillsborough County


Generic Art Solutions is a New Orleans-based collaborative duo composed of Matt Vis and Tony Campbell. Their multimedia, performative work humorously draws links between the past and present, and often addresses the power relationships that make up everyday life.

Vis and Campbell appear in all of their artworks, and have created numerous tableaux that recreate major paintings from art history. In their video portraits, Vis and Campbell become “living sculpture,” as they film themselves posed and attired as historical figures. This work is in looped real-time, and features the artists trying to maintain their composure as busts of Julius Caesar (100–44 B.C.E.)  and Caligula (12–41 C.E.), making reference to the rise and destruction of imperial Rome.

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